FAQ for using a drone
There is no doubt about it, having your wedding venue/location filmed from the sky will add a whole new level of "epic" to your wedding film. I love using my drone, I love the results and so have the brides and grooms that have had my drone used at their weddings. But, there are quite a few factors that must be considered before I send my craft into the sky. This comprehensive list of FAQs will answer any questions you may have about having a drone at your wedding.
What does UAS stand for?
Unmanned Aircraft System.
Is the UAS safe?
Yes, I have very strict safety measures in place and every aircraft is flight-tested by an inspector before it commences operation. I also have onboard safety measures and at the flick of a switch, the UAV will come “home” and land by itself. The same procedure is in place should the batteries run low or I lose communication with the craft.
Are you licensed to operate a UAS?
Yes, I have operational authorisation from the CAA.
Do you have public liability insurance?
Yes, it's a requirement by law.
Can you fly the UAS inside?
Yes, as long the area inside is big enough, safe enough and I have permission from the building owner.
Does your UAS fly in the rain?
No, as my drone is powered by batteries it could cause damage.
How do you know you have achieved the right shot?
I have a live stream to a monitor which enables me to ensure the framing and settings are correct.
Can you control the camera from the ground?
Yes, the remote control can adjust all the camera settings and orientation.
Where can you fly the drone?
The best place to fly is an open area where you do not endanger other people, animals, or property. Also, note that strong RF interference in the area might cause the drone to act erratically. It's helpful to start on a grass-covered area to avoid damage to the drone should you go down.
What is the maximum operating distance for your UAS?
By law, I have to be able to see my UAS, so there has to be always an uninterrupted line of sight between pilot and UAS. The maximum radius I can fly away from me is 500m. I am also limited to 400ft in height; however, it is sometimes possible to get permission to fly higher.
Is it safe to fly above crowds?
Safety is my main priority and we never fly over an audience or crowd who are not in our control and who are not briefed on the emergency procedures. Most of the time, however, I am able to fly next to crowds with a clear flight line and make it look like we are over them.
What UASs do you operate?
I have a DJI Mavic 2 Pro that is operational.
How long do the batteries last?
Depending on the weather each battery can last between 8 and 15 minutes. I carry multiple sets with me and can recharge on-site from my vehicle.
What is the maximum speed?
About 25 mph.
How does the wind affect the UAV?
The stronger the winds, the quicker the battery life will reduce. I won’t fly in winds or gusts above 25mph.
“Would recommend to all. Robert blended in with the wedding so well and we didn't feel like there was a videographer present. Great communication around the production of the video and we are so happy to look back on our day. It was captured perfectly.”